About competitions

About competitions

The ARP Games support programme is carried out mainly through a semiannual competition.

The competition is open for people of any nationality that want to start a video games development company in Poland. To receive the support you have to register a team consisting of at least two members that will present a video game idea. A commitee of industry experts will will choose 10 projects they find most auspicious.

The programme is carried out in two stages. During the first 3 month long stage teams will refine their business model, create a playable demo of their game, as well as participate in workshops according to their needs. Each team will be guided by a mentor, and will receive financial support allowing them to cover basic production costs. After three months teams will be re-evaluated by the commitee. Teams that will achieve all their goals and will present the most promising projects will set up companies in which ARP Games will be a minor shareholder. From then on, teams will continue to develop their projects under the care of the accelerator that will help them in mantaining their company, establishing contacts with industry and equity investors, as well as support them in their promotional efforts on various events – fairs, exhibitions and other competitions.